I plan on putting the final nails in the coffin of what is probably the major tenet to FWT heresy which is: Intrinsically Evil Men innately possesses the spiritual ability to make Good spiritual choices.
No! Spiritually dead men can not comprehend Bible doctrine. It is foolishness to them. 1 Corinthians 2:14
He can not understand truths like the Deity of Christ, the devil, and the reality of the Lake of Fire.
But, even while being simply human?
Such a unregenerated soul can still know what sin is!
And, that he is a sinner!
Pharaoh quickly summoned Moses and Aaron and said,
“I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you.
Exodus 10:16
Pharaoh was never regenerated!
In that regard... Having only a human viewpoint to work with... The Gospel presents to us someone who
is a perfectly moral man, named, Jesus. A "man" who loved God so much that he resisted sinning out of his desire
to please God.
And, out of wanting for every man to know the same love for God as he had?
He out of love died for our sins, so God could accept us.
One does not need to be spiritual to comprehend what I just said that means!
For even demons believe God is real! James 2:19.
The Gospel is geared towards the spiritually dead person.
Geared for a person who simply has learned that he is a sinner.
But, if the Gospel required that one knows that Jesus is God?
Then! No one could get saved. That requires the Spirit to understand.
When I decided to read that tract, and to accept the prayer?
I simply thought of Jesus as a man. A man who loved God so much that he refused to ever sin.
Being a Jew, I never had been exposed to Christian doctrines.
Then after saying the simple prayer for forgiveness.....
Even though I did not understand what involved salvation, and regeneration?
God saved me. Then it became both peaceful and weird for me.
I thought what I was experiencing might have been caused by some bad choices I made during my Hippy says.
For I could know that something was affecting my thoughts and feelings. Affecting me in a way that was foreign
to my natural self.
God regenerated me in spite of my ignorance. I simply believed on Jesus, the man who perfectly loved God.
Took ten years for it all to come together for me to finally realize that on that day I read the tract, something real happened.
That took dreams and visions to see it.
In Christ ..........