Who told you that i think it is by my own power and strength? Is it not in your own mind that makes you think that i think that? i have never said that or even implied that.
Know you not what that verse just said. Those who walk not after the flesh, are they that now have no condemnation because they are in Christ. Read the verse, understand what it is saying. You seem to forget that free will is given to us by God. We choose to either walk after the flesh or walk after the spirit of God. What? Does Jesus make you do good things? After reading what you have just said above, it would seem you think so. If that were True, then you would never be tempted to do evil again, because Jesus in you prevents you from doing them. According to you, Jesus in you causes you to do good. Where is choice then? Where is free will?
You choose to do good or you choose to do evil. God does not MAKE you do either. Now those who desire to please God will choose to do good, those who desire to please self will choose to do evil.
A man is hurt and beaten across the street. God does not make you go help him. satan does not Make you not help him. Those who are walking in the flesh, will walk on by not helping them for this or that reason. Those who are walking in the spirit will help because they will have compassion on him. But you choose to either help or not help. YOu choose to be led by the spirit or led by self.
Are you serious? If i tell them they must obey the Word of God and LOVE ONE ANOTHER, i am encouraging them to walk after the flesh? huh? If i tell people they MUST obey Jesus, i am encouraging them to walk after the flesh? How is that exactly? How is telling people to Love One Another, or obey Jesus encouraging them to walk after the flesh.
How is telling people to Love One Another the wrong way? Do you even know what walking after the flesh is? Walking after the flesh is doing anything to please, gratify, promote, SELF. Name me one sin that a person Knowingly and willingly commits that is not SELFISHNESS? Name one. Those who walk after the flesh think of self, those who walk after the spirit think of others, even above their own self.
If i say to people they must do this or must do that because it is what i say, then yes you are right, that is evil and comes from me. But if i say and teach you must do what the Word of God says to do or not to do, then it is not from me, but from God. Jesus and all the Apostle taught what we must do and must not do, were they also encouraging people to walk in the flesh because they did so? Were they leading people wrong, because they taught what Christians MUST do and MUST NOT do?
My teaching is not for Saved Christians, for they know the TRUTH given to them by the Holy Spirit of God. My teaching and calling is to those who profess to be Christians and will be rejected by Jesus Christ, when He tells them "I never knew you, those who practice sin" My Calling is to those who profess Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, yet they knowingly and willingly obey His enemy the devil and continue to live in sins. These are they that i was born to reprove, rebuke, and exhort them to REPENT of their sins, and start living a life unto Jesus Christ and not unto their own selves by continually obeying His enemy.
When Jesus Christ appears He will take one out of a thousand people, and two out of a hundred thousand. Do the math. Many are called (get saved) But only a few are chosen, and i mean it is a very few.
Enter in at the narrow and difficult gate that leads to life everlasting, NOT the wide and easy gate, that many will go into. And don't think it is the UNSAVED that are on the wide and easy path. The UNSAVED are unsaved, they are not on any path at all, they don't believe in any gates, narrow or otherwise. Those who are on a path (narrow or wide, God knows) are all professed Christians, But many choose the wide and easy gate, such as the doctrine OSAS, how much easier can it get with that doctrine. But Narrow and difficult is the path that leads to life everlasting, you better start finding out what that means, before it is to late and you are told by Jesus that you took the wrong path, that you took the EASY path, easy Christianity path. All of you have been warned.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††