My heart is "deceitfully wicked and self-deceived" because God miraculously saved me and gave me ears to hear, and eyes to see and new heart with which I'm able to believe the Gospel? I'm the wicked one for believing that salvation is 100% of God's power (effectual grace) that brought me and brings all men to His Son to be saved? But you're the enlightened one who believes the New Covenant is bilateral and men must willingly entire into the covenant relationship with God so that he can save them? Salvation is a partnership relationship. Man does his part, God fulfills his end of the bargain?
If I were you, I'd be very concerned about your spiritual state because the majority of professing Christians have the same carnal, worldly view of the Gospel and the New Covenant that you do. It's in fallen man's DNA to believe that he contributes something toward his own salvation so that he can boast in something other or in something that's in addition to the Cross of Christ. Fallen mankind has this wicked proclivity in his heart to believe that he did something to help God part the "Red Sea" so that he could escape from the jaws of certain, eternal death and pass over to life. The evil heart of the Natural Man cannot bear the thought that God deserves and, indeed, demands 100% of the glory for salvation. They want to be like their spiritual father and get piece of God's glory.
If I were you, I'd be very concerned about your spiritual state because the majority of professing Christians have the same carnal, worldly view of the Gospel and the New Covenant that you do. It's in fallen man's DNA to believe that he contributes something toward his own salvation so that he can boast in something other or in something that's in addition to the Cross of Christ. Fallen mankind has this wicked proclivity in his heart to believe that he did something to help God part the "Red Sea" so that he could escape from the jaws of certain, eternal death and pass over to life. The evil heart of the Natural Man cannot bear the thought that God deserves and, indeed, demands 100% of the glory for salvation. They want to be like their spiritual father and get piece of God's glory.
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