And this explains why you believe the way you do?
God knew people would recieve,m in fact many people all ready believed it before Christ even died.. Ever hear of abraham, Isaac? jacob? Daniel? David? many many others??(What??? Who was slain before the foundations of the world?? - (Before Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,David and Daniel and many others decided to follow Him?)
WOW, indeed.
No pride in trusting someone else.
It is like I am drowning in the ocean. A savior comes to rescue me and says sit still trust me, and let me do all the work. don't fight me and try to save yourself or I will let you go.
I do just that. Nothing (because I am unable to save myself) and trust him completely.
later when we get back to shore. I boast of how I saved myself.. Are you kidding me?? Boast of saving myself?? HA HA HA! (Why boast?) - - - (No redeemed person would) - I know you are saying no one does but thats why I point it out.
No, he would be on his knees, thankful and praising the one who risked his life to save yours, Giving HIM all the glory.. (Yes he would, yes I am)
in your senerio. You have many people drowing in the sea. A god who is perfectly able and has complete power to save everyone. But instead, he picks and choses. ok I will save him. Pass right over ten more, Then save this person. Pass over a few more, And chose to save that person. then sits there and watches everyone drown he COULD have saved.(here again, you supplant the words of God with your petty logic) - (Are some of those drowning in the sea-{Rev. 17:15} rich?) - (Do you not know that it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven than to thread the eye of a needle with a rope?) -{the aramaic word isn't 'camel', its 'rope'}
Then demand everyone give him praise and glory??(No where in the scriptures does it say He demands worship) yeah right, Who is going to praise that Guy?("Every knee shall bow" is in recognition, not a frontal demand from a tyrant!) even the ones who he saved would be appalled that he let so many die when had had complete power to save them all..(yea, I agree, your idea of God got that right)
That is a huge difference than a savior not saving someone because they would not sit still, and continued to try to save himself.(really, your God wouldn't save the anxious?) The savior warned them if they tried to save themselves, he would leave them on their own. because they prevented him from saving them..
In this senerio. The savior gets the glory, because he tried to save everyone, but many chose to reject his offer of salvation and tried to save themselves. (What kind of God is that? That wouldn't save the fearful? Though He saves every other type of sinner?)
Your dissemblage of the character of God is quite remarkable.