Ok, you were told. I an't intimidating you.
Have you listened.
Do you recognised the scripture saying you have receive the holy spirit and Christ.
Well let's go one step further do you recognise you have to to receive the father the son and the holy spirit.
So you tell me why a person is not saved if he has received the father.
Tell me why a person is not saved when he has received the Holy spirit.
Tell me why a person is not saved when he has received the Christ.
So let's ask you again.
Are you saved when the father is drawing you to the son.
Well your not exactly out in the cold are you
But still you haven't received the son have you.
Are you fully saved before you receive the son.
Don't you have to believe in the trinity to be fully saved.
I mean that's one of your rules isn't it.
But then are they your rules.
Surely you yourself only had the father at one stage