Yes I'm called as a prophet. Yes I believe that the office of apostle did not cease with the early church and that it is for today..
do you have prophecies to present to the church?
written down?
or are they prophecies for individuals?
Im not sure what you mean by "new revelation" I believe the word of God, the whole word of God, and that should be the basis of all revelation...
prophets received revelation of God's Plan (the Plan, His Will, His decrees in advance), both OT and NT prophets.
what was revealed to them was recorded, and canon is closed.
so what is a prophet's role today?
God does not contradict Himself, and God still speaks today.
again, what is He saying today?
is it written down somewhere?
You have a warped idea of what an apostles is.
could you link me to an authoritative site you affirm which lays out what an apostle is?
and an extremely religious mindset.
how is this determined?
A modern day prophet or apostle would, as should any leader in the church, confront falsity and error, including doctrinal error, if it does not line up with the word of God.
so, how do we as a world-wide church know that the men who come in apostolic/prophetic authority to confront all this error are qualified to do so?
how do they receive their commissions?
what is their SoF? what if they disagree?
Many in the churches still adhere to doctrines of men, doctrines of demons, doctrines that have made their way into the church and are extra biblical, and have no foundation in scripture or have been introduced due to compromise, or selfish ambition, these should be removed from our lives because the mixture is not pleasing to God and does not represent Him correctly.
could you list specifically the doctrines that are in error?
Likewise many of the beliefs and teachings of the early church apostles and Christ Himself been minimized today.
specifically which teachings?
and we are in many ways off track (I include the charismatic and pentecostal expressions in the assertion)..
what will the apostles do/say to correct those specific errors? are they in dialogue with the leaders of those denominations?
It is the purpose of God during our lifetime to return correct order to His church, and to have a people that are single-hearted in devotion toward Him, and that are free from oppression of the enemy and healed, full of Him and demonstrating the kingdom like He did.
may i see the texts on this?
thank you.