To all you "faith only" perfect spirits only, no sins of the flesh, all done by Jesus only, living thru me; your passivity of not tring to obey the commands of God, because if I try to obey the law, the law only stirs up sin, so why obey God's laws, just live by "faith only" and let Jesus do all the work for me. Just "let go and let God do it all'. ARE YOU this type of a Christian,? Then I'm talking to you. If you are the normal God fearing, holy living, commandment keeping, God loving, brethren loving by keeping the commandments ,kind of a Christian, then I am not talking to you.! God knows who are His, and we who are His MOST depart from sin. Jesus is the "sourse of eternal life to all those who OBEY HIM." Heb.5:9 The new Birth makes us holy in heart soul and mind :but in contrast, Justification declares us holy in the court room of Heaven, but never touches our soul, heart, mind nor gives us one ounce of power to live a holy life. I am not God, ask God whose child you are. For us to be of the Spirit we must be full of God's word and walking in its light. Those who obey God are born of God and those you believe God are forgiven . Only those who believe and obey God, Jesus, are going to Heaven. Love to all Hoffco