Gods foreknowledge and predestination reassures us that God cannot Fail.. God knew from the beginning of creation the entire future of His universe creation in PERFECT clarity.. He knew how it was going to all turn out from the very start.. Down to the detail of knowing every human being that would ever live, knowing all the thoughts they would ever think.. I believe God knew when every blade of grass would grow and how tall every blade of grass would grow and how many atoms each individuel blade of grass would be composed of..
Prophecy of God can be trusted because God has foreseen Everything.. So Every Christian should be 100% confident that absolutely no evil cunning scheme from satan or his allies will ever stand in the way of Gods eternal plan.. God is like a chess player who has seen all the moves of a game before He starts the game.. satan has NO chance and was defeated before he came into existence..
I am 100% confident that God wins.. And that reinforces my Faith in the LORD beyond measure..
Prophecy of God can be trusted because God has foreseen Everything.. So Every Christian should be 100% confident that absolutely no evil cunning scheme from satan or his allies will ever stand in the way of Gods eternal plan.. God is like a chess player who has seen all the moves of a game before He starts the game.. satan has NO chance and was defeated before he came into existence..
I am 100% confident that God wins.. And that reinforces my Faith in the LORD beyond measure..
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