In regard to brother MacArthur, . . .
I am familiar with those errors. For example, brothers persuaded like him, suggest that Mt 7:23 'I never
knew you' refers to unbelievers. When, in fact, the sense (and probably best translation) is 'I never acknowledged
. . .
Poor teachers, like brother MacArthur (who is himself a brother in the Lord, hallelujah!) probably teach that the five foolish virgins are unbelievers. I praise God for any good interpretations he has. But this, like his other misinterpretations, is ridiculous.
If you are going to continue to falsely accuse MacArthur of teaching, something he does not. May I suggest you listen to a few of his sermons before you make any more of those FALSE ASSUMPTIONS.
Grace to You
You can sort them by books of the Bible too.
Sitting in Church does not make you Christian, any more than sitting in a garage would make you a car.
A real Christian is one who has not only heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but responded to it by the power of the Holy Spirit. NO, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT WORKS RIGHTEOUSNESS, but rather to WHAT the Holy Spirit is doing in the Heart to your human spirit. HE pours the LOVE
of GOD into your heart, Rom. 5:5. That Love of GOD produces within us:
Conviction of Sin,
Confession and Repentance,
A deep personal LOVE FOR HIM,
A desire to LOVE HIM by submitting to HIS Lordship as MASTER,
A desire to Show that LOVE for HIM by Obeying HIM.
Anything less is not yet a CHRISTIAN. That expression HE uses about "NOT KNOWING HIM", is a reference to the LACK of that deep personal LOVE relationship that only comes after that LOVE of GOD has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, which PRODUCES all that within us. It literally is the HOLY SPIRIT causing our once dead human spirit to be born into Eternal Life.
That personal Love relationship between JESUS and us is a VERY REAL THING. It happened to me after my third attempt at suicide the last week of Dec. 1977. This wave after wave of GUILT for my utterly sinful lifestyle, washed over me, and I was one who thought I was a Christian because I was raised in a Church and took up space on a pew fairly frequently; but I found out that NIGHT, I was nothing more than Church goer, with NO real relationship with Jesus Christ. I fell to my knees weeping and bawling like a baby, crying out to HIM for forgiveness. Not only for attempting suicide three times in 4 days, but also for my WHOLE LIFESTYLE. As I wept uncontrollably, I verbally was begging HIM to take control of my life, surrendering totally to HIS WILL. OH YES! HE came in, The Holy Spirit TOO, bringing my human spirit to become TOTALLY ALIVE! That was the moment I became a real CHRISTIAN, instead of an unsaved Church GOER. That Personal Relationship gets nothing but better, and it is VERY REAL TO ME EVERY DAY. HE LITERALLY CHANGED ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT.
It is THOSE who have that Personal Love Relationship with HIM whom He will Call Out to go to the Wedding of the Lamb. Will others be turn to Receive HIM and be Saved during the Great Tribulation? YES MANY, including a multitude of Jews, but they will be martyred (except for the 144,000), and their born again spirits will be present in Heaven for at least part of the Wedding Ceremony too. They will receive their Resurrected Glorified bodies at His Second Coming. Is it unusual to have many more guests at the Wedding Supper, than at the week long Wedding Ceremony. NOT AT ALL, it is traditional to have a many more guests at the Wedding Supper.
Proof that "KNOWING HIM" is related to that LOVING Personal Relationship with HIM as LORD:
John 14:15 (HCSB)
15 [/SUP]
“If you love Me, you will keep My commands.
1 John 5:3 (HCSB)
3 [/SUP] For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands. Now His commands are not a burden,
1 John 2:3-4 (HCSB)
3 [/SUP] This is how we are sure that we have come to know Him: by keeping His commands.
4 [/SUP] The one who says, “
I have come to know Him,”
yet doesn't keep His commands,
is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
NOTE: The verb "keep" is in the Greek Perfect Tense, implying an ongoing lifestyle of striving to keep. It is the direction of one's life, not the perfection of it. What it we do stumble along the way? He left us instructions for that too: SEE 1 John 1:9.