Why would the saint choose to walk away? Even the pretender Simon the Sorcerer wanted Peter to pray for him to be spared God's wrath. Any genuine saint will hold fast to Christ and His salvation. But pretenders may not do so. Christians under Rome were willing to die rather than "walk away". So this whole theory is hypothetical and Christians should be focused on Christ, not walking away from Him.
Nobody can lose their salvation since it involves (a) the New Birth, (b) the gift of eternal life, (c) the gift of the Holy Spirit, (d) the gift of Christ Himself within, and (e) being "kept by the power of God". This is no ordinary matter, since Christ is involved at every point.
At the same time, God has ways and means of dealing with His disobedient children. And therefore He tells Christians to examine themselves. But the chastisement of believers is not the same as the damnation of unbelievers. Therefore it is Satan who is behind the false doctrine of loss of salvation. He would love to see everyone in the Hell created for him and his evil angels.
Nobody can lose their salvation since it involves (a) the New Birth, (b) the gift of eternal life, (c) the gift of the Holy Spirit, (d) the gift of Christ Himself within, and (e) being "kept by the power of God". This is no ordinary matter, since Christ is involved at every point.
At the same time, God has ways and means of dealing with His disobedient children. And therefore He tells Christians to examine themselves. But the chastisement of believers is not the same as the damnation of unbelievers. Therefore it is Satan who is behind the false doctrine of loss of salvation. He would love to see everyone in the Hell created for him and his evil angels.
But you know the irony is the doctrin of you can lose your salvation is preached a lot more by OSAS than anybody else, OSAS is always preaching what will not gain you salvation and it's always directed at Christians here. I believe This is a form of works to I really do. Really I do believe OSAS really has cast so much more doubt than anyone else about losing there salvation more than one or two beliefs about denouncing your faith.
Now the same thing is happening with those who are now becoming anti OSAS, there now doing the same thing, and again all directed at Christians here.
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