You consistently fight against sound doctrine on these boards; claiming that if we do not have a proof text for what we are saying (that is sound doctrine), that it is therefore not sound doctrine.
Nevertheless this is what the scripture says.
Tit 1:7, For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;
Tit 1:8, But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;
Tit 1:9, Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
Therefore, sound doctrine is my answer to every argument.
And, if we do not have a proof text for sound doctrine because it only flies in the kjv and not in some of the modern translations, it remains that it is sound doctrine that is being proclaimed; and that the kjv is correct to contain the scriptures that substantiate it even while some modern translations might omit the words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and even entire passages that substantiate the sound doctrine that is being attacked by the devil in any given situation where sound doctrine is the response to an assertion.
It is written in two places in holy scripture (Romans 1:29, 2 Corinthians 12:20-21) that being in debate mode is a sinful mode to be in.
Therefore, when we say such things as this: that our opponent is not using the proper logic and that his logic is faulty and that therefore he doesn't have any ground to stand on, are we not in debate mode?
But the reality is that your opponent does have ground to stand on....the solid ground of believing in sound doctrine.
Whether he has the skills to talk about how the sound doctrine in question is substantiated by this or that scripture, or not; if he is speaking forth sound doctrine, he is speaking forth the truth.
And therefore his lack of ability to show forth the scriptural substantiation for what he is saying may be irrelevant.
What matters is that it is sound doctrine that is being set forth. Of course it always helps to show how the Bible substantiates it; for without something in the Bible supporting a doctrine, it very likely isn't sound.
And yet it may in fact be sound if there is supporting evidence but no proof texts.
For I have even seen it happen when proof texts have been given and the people hearing the proof texts have even rejected the testimony that was given. Therefore I think that sometimes God sets in His word sound doctrine that is supported not by proof texts, but by evidentiary texts. Because if He laid it out in a proof text, He would have to punish them with a greater punishment when they reject what has been spoken; for they would be accountable for rejecting something that is irrefutable. At least when there is only evidence for a claim, the people who reject what is spoken are not held as accountable for their rejection of what the scripture says; and God in his mercy has ordained it to be so, in order that He might be merciful to those who reject Him and still be just.
Nevertheless, sound doctrine, when it only has supporting evidence apart from actual proof texts, will be testified to by the Holy Spirit that it is indeed sound doctrine; the Holy Spirit will take a person the rest of the way into understanding doctrine that is sound if they are willing to listen to Him when He begins to woo them by showing them mere evidence for a claim that He is wanting to make to them.