Sandalphon is an archangel in Jewish and Christian writings. Sandalphon figures prominently in the mystical literary traditions of Rabbinic Judaism and early Christianity, notably in the Midrash, Talmud, and Kabbalah.
Some of the earliest sources on Sandalphon refer to him as the prophet Elijah transfigured and elevated to angelic status. Other sources (mainly from the midrashic period) describe him as the "twin brother" of Metatron, whose human origin as Enoch was similar to the human origin of Sandalphon.
Sandalphron and Metatron are post human angels, Metatron is the name that was given to Enoch after he had been translated from a body of corruptible matter into a glorious body of incorruptible light, and Sandalphron, who is erroneously thought by some to be Metatron’s twin, is in fact Elijah’s angelic name after he was carried up to stand before Enoch and was also transfigured.
Metatron is also mentioned in the Pseudepigrapha, most prominently in the Hebrew Book of Enoch (also called Third Enoch), in which his grand title, "The lesser YHVH" (The Son of The MOST-HIGH) resurfaces. It is also said that Metatron. The anointed one=CHRIST, was the angel who guided Israel through the wilderness. The Hebrew ‘JHVH’ translated to English, as seen in Exodus 3: 14; means, ‘I Am.’
The Book of Enoch the prophet 108: 11-13; “And now I will summons the spirits of the good, who belong to the generation of the light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who, in the flesh were not recompensed with such honor as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who have loved my ‘Holy Name,’ and I will seat each one on the throne of his honor, and they shall be resplendent for times without number.”
The Zohar is a foundation work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought, known as Kabbalah. It is a group of books including commentary on the mystical aspects of the Torah and scriptural interpretations as well as material on mysticism and the Zohar describes Metatron as the ‘’KING OF ANGELS’’ This corresponds closely with Maimonide’s description of the Talmudic ‘’PRINCE OF THE WORLD’’ traditionally associated with Metatron as the core ‘’Active intellect.’’
Gershom Scholem suggests that the name (The Lesser YHWH) was deliberately omitted from later copies of the Talmud. Although Extra-talmudic mystical texts such as Sefer Hekhalot do speak of a "lesser YHWH", apparently deriving the concept from Exodus 23:21, which mentions an angel of whom God says "my name [understood as YHVH,] is in him".
Exodus 23: 20-21; “Behold, I send an angel before you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place which I have prepared. Give heed to him and hearken to his voice, do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; for my name (I AM) is in him.
Yevamot 16b records an utterance, "I have been young; also I have been old" found in Psalm 37:25. The Talmud here attributes this utterance to the Chief Angel and Prince of the World, whom the rabbinic tradition identifies as Metatron.