I do agree basically. And know about the origination of many of the 'festivals' we celebrate. Halloween is getting really rank and it is no wonder.
Each year people bring Christ back as a baby and put Him in a little manger; yet He went on to become a full grown man, accomplished so much and now sits at the right hand of God. And is coming back as a sword wielding worrier.
That being said, I have a thought about Christmas.
At one point in time our family did not celebrate Xmas for the reasons you have stated. (We are not JW's or anything like that
). But eventually we acquired in-laws and the grandkids came along. Thankfully most of them are now true born again believers. I think we have rationalized, "We are in this world but not of it," and always play down the (evil) Santa Clause thing. Also we found statistics showing that more people get saved at Christmas time than at any other.
Would like to hear what you think. Can we get too "religious" about the origin of things?
Each year people bring Christ back as a baby and put Him in a little manger; yet He went on to become a full grown man, accomplished so much and now sits at the right hand of God. And is coming back as a sword wielding worrier.
That being said, I have a thought about Christmas.
At one point in time our family did not celebrate Xmas for the reasons you have stated. (We are not JW's or anything like that
Would like to hear what you think. Can we get too "religious" about the origin of things?
1. I am the Lord thy God, I change not....
2. Jesus Christ, the same today, tomorrow and forever
3. Something that has had it's roots in evil, and paganism can never be made acceptable in God's eyes
4. God calls for us to be separate from the world..in the world , but not of it
5. The Birth, death , burial and resurrection of Jesus is holy, consecrated, was in righteousness etc and to bring down our Lord and tie him to pagan practices that have been Christianized and blended with heretical teachings seems to me to bring no honor nor glory to God
To me it is not about denying kids the right to little Christmas programs or Easter egg hunts, but rather it is about making a biblical stand on the principle that there is no way God would receive the blending of paganism and biblical worship/walk. God brought down the Northern Kingdom of Israel because of complete idolatry and then warned the Southern Kingdom of Judah..they rejected and God brought them down through multiple Babylonian invasions and deportations. Why? Because of spiritual adultery as they attempted to blend the worship of God with pagan practices. The tree is an ex idol that was used in the worship of the sun amongst other things, and to tie an ex idol to the birth of Christ is blasphemous and contrary in my view. I do not judge others who practice this for who am I to judge another man's servant. My son who is 18 has not missed any of the holidays, nor has my wife of 23 years, but ya know..we feel like we have made a stand on biblical principles and will let God judge our stance mi amigo.