the simple answer with Calvinism is that, if God predestined people to end up in hell, then dying for us on the CROSS was a waste of time. scripture states Yeshua died FOR EVERYONE!! but if there was a predestination already in place, there would be no need for His death because people are already separated by who is going to hell and who goes to heaven.
it's a silly concept because the death of Yeshua would be stupid and a waste of time if everyone did not have the chance to find salvation.
and, it would be unfair. and as far as I have known and witnessed, God is always fair!!
It's not that God
predestined ANYONE, to Hell! Save for those
"hell BENT workers of iniquity!"
It's that there are one's whom God
"foreknew", who were
predestined, in executing certain acts, or "traits", during the course of this current earth/heaven age, at God's
discretion, in the
accomplishing of His will, and
Good pleasure!
And it's not that these people are
any better, then "whosoever will" may come to the acceptance of Christ's Cross. It's that, and I can't call it
irresistable "grace", as much as I can call it, like an
Irrefutable Undeniability of an HOLY Presence, and Protection (from "the world"), within someone, that runs
"gene deep", from the
"moment" of one's very first breath, of oxygen, in this darkened and fallen "world, as it has become!"
And, it's not like these one's are
sinless, by ANY means! At least, as far as the "eyes of men" are concerned. And God Himself, for that matter! It's more like a searching out and a seeking, and a
purging, of oneself, from, or away from the "multitude of sin" that "love"
covers! Inasmuch, as when holding one's "life's experiences", in contrast to that "Irrefutable and Undeniable Holy Presence!" It is "this love" that covers a multitude of sin, that, when, like a "pinball" from the old style pinball machines, bounces and spins from 1 pin to another, on its way down the playing field, to the bottom, and lands in the "Christian hole", that so perplexes; that these one's "run" from such assemblies wondering "just WHAT, or WHOSE God, are these people worshiping/praising?"
Traditions of man, are to blame, for the "common misconception", and "ceasing from one's labors", in their own seekings, and efforts of faith, in their own reconciliations of sin/s that "this love", does NOT cover! For you see, the enemy is "very skillful" in "cramming/adding sin", and then maintaining the "illusion", that
"This too, is covered!" Is called "apostasy", folks! Glacierly slow, in its movement. Yet, as undeniable, as day is from night, in its resultings! So, WITHOUT this "gene deep"
anchor? One is NOT going to notice it, let alone "catch it", and STOP it, in real time!
As this is alright with most Christians? This doesn't mean, in ANY sense, that any particular Christian is NOT saved! GOD FORBID!
As "Children of Light", do as well as one can! And, it is well with one, and no further burden is placed, or effrot/s asked. But, should any particular Christian, in any particular "assembling of?" Start asking oneself: "Is this ALL there is to it?" Then YOU, Mr. Christian, Maybe, just, MAYBE, asked to "
PRESS ON!" To the
High CALLING of God, in Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior!"
(this is an unsolicted endorsement for the "council" of the Sons of Light) (do not bend, fold, staple, or mutilate

"I know!" "Crazy?" "Right?"