As far as beheadings; recall earlier in Matthew 24 that the Messiah warned His disciples that they would be captured and killed for their testimony. I strongly feel that was the 5th seal event was fulfilled with the death of Messiah's disciples between 34 AD and 64 AD. Revelation chapters 6-7 even shows as much; that the martyrs die before the great tribulation begins.
From the historical position though, the Apostles were not [proposed] with the option to deny Christ, Accept the Mark of the Beast, or be Beheaded. And we know only a couple were actually Beheaded. It would be more believable and accepted had [ALL] the Apostles been Beheaded.
Peter was boiled and it did not kill him. So one would think here is the point of being Beheaded to fulfill Prophecy. We know Peter was Crucified. So, I don't buy the Beheading Prophecy was fulfilled and we know the Papyrus of what is known as the Book of Revelation was dated the earliest mid 90's A.D.
And we know Papyrus dating is rather a good indicator because we know it changed 5 times throughout history and the Revelation Papyrus was made by the 5th progressed process. So that Prophecy was written in 90's A.D. and what happened in 68-70 A.D. does not relate.
From my studies, The man of sin is the self-proclaimed head of the universal church. The Papacy. Remember that the mystery of iniquity was already at work in Paul's day. We have letters from disciples warning the reader to earnestly contend for the original faith. Historically, the bishop of Rome grew in power over all of bishoprics as the faith spread.
We also have accounts that people not related to the Catholic Church were imitating Paul and acting as Prophets. And Paul had his readers compare his teachings to their for authenticity. So this false doctrine was well before Rome got involved and no sense trying to make this about Rome to fulfill Scripture.
Also remember that the soldiers who destroy Jerusalem and the temple in 70AD are from Rome. They're literally "the people of the prince who shall come" the means that "prince" must come from Rome also. The Pope is the bishop of Rome.
The Prince of what?
Daniel 10 was fulfilled as soon as Gabriel left Daniel. That was not a future event in terms of 490 years.
The Papacy:
- Received power from The Pagan Roman Empire ("dragon gave him his power")
- Came to power roughly 538 AD and ruled for 1260 years until 1798 AD when it was ended...and then was later resurrected in 1929 AD
- Changed the sabbath, instituted our calendar (times & laws)
- Changed the 10 commandments by removing the 2nd one and splitting the 10th one into two separate ones (times & laws)
- Was known as the "vicar of Christ" ("Christ vicariously") and "God in the flesh" (names of blasphemy); said in publications that he stands in the position of "God on earth"
- Installed many kings during middle ages who worshiped him...whose subjects also worshiped him.
- Life a life of celibacy ("Has no desire for women")
- Initiated Papal bulls (like "dom diversas") authorizing the capture & slavery of heretics, which precipitate the worldwide slavery of humans ("he that leads into captivity shall go into captivity"). Laity even killed and enslaved "thinking they were doing God's work" (John 16:2), literally prophesied by Messiah.
- Initiated the inquisitions that tortured Jews and protestant gentiles as "heretics" alike
- Initiate the counter-reformation to divert protestant attention away from identifying Papacy as the Beast of Revelation
- Renamed Fortress goddess Cybele, Queen of Heaven, into "Mary" and worship Mary over Messiah ("worship the god of fortresses")
- Initiated the long Crusades to recapture holy land from Muslims ("desolations determined")
- Wiped out The Heruli, the Vandals, and Ostrogoths barbarians ("three horns plucked up by the roots")
- Outlawed any possession of the bible; said only the Church authority can interpret scripture
- The Church is called the "Mother" church birthing daughter churches and religions
- The cardinals wear Scarlet and Purple ("purple and scarlet colored beast")
The Papacy only had power because few people could read and write and could not challenge them. Once people began being educated, the Catholic Church was basically shut down. So, we think Prophecy was fulfilled on the basis of UNEDUCATED people during that time?
I do not see the Papacy as Rulers ever. I just see like today's preachers who teach a false message and when the Congregation doesn't read the Word, they just assume Pastor G.I. Joe is correct.
But I do agree on the points you make concerning the Papacy. But I see if they did Rule, it was during a period of Lack of Education.
After the Messiah resurrected the temple is the body of the believer and the throne is the heart of man. The "Man of Sin" sat in God's Temple for many, many centuries and is still in the hearts of many, worshiped as a celebrity wherever he visits.
His influence still lingers in certain Christian doctrines today.
And still to this very day, if we remove American Catholics, the majority of the Catholic followers are Uneducated peoples from 3rd World Nations and Economies.
If we wish to give them credit, it's only for seeking out those who for a better term, are stupid!
Look at the Denominations today from Baptist, Wesleyan, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Methodist, etc, these are full of people for the most part can read and write. They cannot be fooled by the Catholic [cross-dresser] known as the Pope.
So if Yeshua's prophecies were based upon STUPID PEOPLE, then I agree it could be fulfilled. But all throughout the History from Adam to Christ, the followers of Yahweh were properly Educated in the Torah and Tanakh. From Noah to his grandson Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, into slavery, the people were aware of I AM. Exodus 3 shows us that the pre-incarnate Christ told Moses [tell the People] I AM sent you. So there's always been an Educated system about God's people. And for Rome to fulfill prophecy, God must have allowed his creation to be highly Stupid until the 1700's.
Personally, the people of TODAY are the most educated than mankind has ever been before. It makes more sense for duping to happen to the Educated Peoples, not the ones who could not read or write.