Yes, Satan owned her via the Lies. She obeyed Satan's voice rather than God's voice. However, she did not directly disobey God outright or go out into the Garden that day looking to just outright turn against God obviously. She ate because the serpent committed the original sin by creating the Three Lies.
Well, how does one forge a Lie? Well via word and spirit, which is breath, of course. So, Satan does a very horrendous thing here in the spiritual actually when he creates the first Three Lies, the first sin remember too. He had to break the Spirit of Truth, by which all living creatures, including himself, were made by God in the beginning, in the first two chapters, made perfect by God at that and made in the truth. Remember Jesus interestingly says of Satan that he did not abide in the truth from the beginning, so he departed from truth, literally stopped living in the truth and became the father of lies. With the Three Lies the serpent overcame the woman's mind and possessed her to the point that she ate the fruit forbidden, and also gave it to the man, who is the image of God, to kill him. This is where the demons came from, which are evil spirits, also called devils too whereas their creator, the Devil (which means the Liar) is the serpent and how he got that name.
Well, how does one forge a Lie? Well via word and spirit, which is breath, of course. So, Satan does a very horrendous thing here in the spiritual actually when he creates the first Three Lies, the first sin remember too. He had to break the Spirit of Truth, by which all living creatures, including himself, were made by God in the beginning, in the first two chapters, made perfect by God at that and made in the truth. Remember Jesus interestingly says of Satan that he did not abide in the truth from the beginning, so he departed from truth, literally stopped living in the truth and became the father of lies. With the Three Lies the serpent overcame the woman's mind and possessed her to the point that she ate the fruit forbidden, and also gave it to the man, who is the image of God, to kill him. This is where the demons came from, which are evil spirits, also called devils too whereas their creator, the Devil (which means the Liar) is the serpent and how he got that name.
Eve ate the fruit because she was deceived.
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