By the way, I canceled my account due to reasons that are not related to the forum, so I won't be able to answer many more questions.
I would encourage dispensationalists to look into the problems with dispensationalism. Don't be sheeple, accepting what your pastors have told you.
I believe the only reason why dispensationalism is popular relates to the fact that Pentecostals/charismatics and "bible church" institutions adopted it. Since Pentecostals/charismatics are very involved in evangelism, it has spread like wildfire in the USA.
It isn't a salvation issue, but I think it causes believers to listen to whacky, end-time nuts on a regular basis.
Dispensationalists continually claim that if you don't believe their nutty system, you are not living in expectation of Jesus' return, therefore are living amorally. Well, only the most shallow Christians would operate on that basis. Any believer knows they aren't guaranteed their next breath, and need to live in anticipation of standing before Jesus in their next moment.
I would recommend these books:,aps,151&sr=8-1
I would recommend these audios:
More than that, though, I encourage studying the doctrine of union with Christ. A big part of the reason why I find dispensationalism objectionable is due to their disregard for the doctrine. I suspect most Christians don't even understand the doctrine, and that is why they fall for dispensationalism.
Here's a good set of audios for this:
If a person is dispensational and understands union with Christ, I would ask, why?????? Have you not read Ephesians 2???????
There is only one man in Christ.
Soteriology, Christology, and Eschatology need to be in tandem.
By the way, I realize there are different types of dispensationalists. Some aren't as whacky as others.
I would encourage dispensationalists to look into the problems with dispensationalism. Don't be sheeple, accepting what your pastors have told you.
I believe the only reason why dispensationalism is popular relates to the fact that Pentecostals/charismatics and "bible church" institutions adopted it. Since Pentecostals/charismatics are very involved in evangelism, it has spread like wildfire in the USA.
It isn't a salvation issue, but I think it causes believers to listen to whacky, end-time nuts on a regular basis.
Dispensationalists continually claim that if you don't believe their nutty system, you are not living in expectation of Jesus' return, therefore are living amorally. Well, only the most shallow Christians would operate on that basis. Any believer knows they aren't guaranteed their next breath, and need to live in anticipation of standing before Jesus in their next moment.
I would recommend these books:,aps,151&sr=8-1
I would recommend these audios:
More than that, though, I encourage studying the doctrine of union with Christ. A big part of the reason why I find dispensationalism objectionable is due to their disregard for the doctrine. I suspect most Christians don't even understand the doctrine, and that is why they fall for dispensationalism.
Here's a good set of audios for this:
If a person is dispensational and understands union with Christ, I would ask, why?????? Have you not read Ephesians 2???????
There is only one man in Christ.
Soteriology, Christology, and Eschatology need to be in tandem.
By the way, I realize there are different types of dispensationalists. Some aren't as whacky as others.
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