If we look at the NT....the Prodigal was “DEAD/lost” then “alive/found” demonstrating that the term “DEAD” is idiomatic for “separated by rebellion” not “innate moral inability” (Luke 15:24).
And this NARRATIVE aptly demonstrates that this "younger brother" possessed more than adequate situational awareness whereby he could PERCEIVE his degraded state, RECOGNIZE the error of his ways, and by an act of his FREE WILL (without coercion) set out to SEEK the Father's face.
Consequently the Father RESPONDS to the pensive cry of his son with abundant FORGIVENESS and full restoration. The breach and SEPARATION has been healed by the express FREE WILL of the Father.
So then @PennEd :
Does Calvinite-ism comport/conform to this foundational NARRATIVE? Or any other OT or NT biblical narrative for that matter?
I wonder if @ParticularWife @Rufus @brightfame52 @Magenta @Cameron143 would like to chime in?
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