Another thought occurred to me about your own thoughts tanakh. 
Because of the verse about owning the cattle on a thousand hills, you believe therefore that the other time you see the word thousand, that it has to not be literal.
So...hmmm...this is difficult to's like, a snake/serpent refers to satan all throughout scripture. Does this mean that when moses held up the pole with the snake on it that it must have to do with satan?
And also, leaven is referred to all throughout scripture as false teaching of men. So in the parable where Jesus says the Kingdom is like a woman who hid some leaven in bread, must He be saying the Kingdom is like false teaching?
And also the despicable man is described as looking like a lamb even though lamb means Jesus all throughout scripture. But we know that this is a despicable man and NOT Jesus being referred to.
In one instance, a serpent had nothing to do with satan and leaven had nothing to do with false teaching and a lamb is not referring to Jesus. What I'm trying to say is...there is no rule that one thing always has to mean the same thing. Because 1000 was used symbolically to mean many and lots in one instance does not mean that 1000 can never be very specific.
Because of the verse about owning the cattle on a thousand hills, you believe therefore that the other time you see the word thousand, that it has to not be literal.
So...hmmm...this is difficult to's like, a snake/serpent refers to satan all throughout scripture. Does this mean that when moses held up the pole with the snake on it that it must have to do with satan?
And also, leaven is referred to all throughout scripture as false teaching of men. So in the parable where Jesus says the Kingdom is like a woman who hid some leaven in bread, must He be saying the Kingdom is like false teaching?
And also the despicable man is described as looking like a lamb even though lamb means Jesus all throughout scripture. But we know that this is a despicable man and NOT Jesus being referred to.
In one instance, a serpent had nothing to do with satan and leaven had nothing to do with false teaching and a lamb is not referring to Jesus. What I'm trying to say is...there is no rule that one thing always has to mean the same thing. Because 1000 was used symbolically to mean many and lots in one instance does not mean that 1000 can never be very specific.