Sure, okay.
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I’ll take one or two at a time.
Firstly, what is Prophecy 6, and where in Daniel 7 does it say that Daniel and John were zoomed to a special meeting in 1798?
Selah, appreciate your return response. First, one must understand what makes apocalyptic prophecy Dan./Rev., different that other types of prophecy within the Bible.
Each apocalyptic prophecy has a beginning and ending point in time, and each event within each prophecy are given in chronology order. [God have the order since He only Knows the future] This is the first natural law of God's that Mr. Wilson discovered back in the early 80's, over a six year period of searching for forms of consistency within fulfilled prophecy that could be stated as a law.
I'm sure you are well acquainted with Dan.2:29-45,&7, these two prophecies list several events within each one. History confirms that all the events that have been fulfilled to date, have followed the chronology order as they are given with the prophecy. Prior to Mr. Wilson's discovery no earlier expositor has claimed this to be one of God's laws of which He build within His apocalyptic prophecies. Therefore, many expositors of the past and present, when interpreting apocalyptic prophecy move the events out of their chronological order to fit their desired outcome. Mr. Wilson calls these "private interpretations", since they are not based on valid laws of interpretation/hermeneutics.
I should insert here, that the Bible does not state such a law. However, God has build into His creation many of His natural laws that keep His creation in perfect order. Many have been discovered and observed by professionals in certain fields of study. Once they are discovered they are written out for others to confirm, after confirmation they are recognized as natural laws. Issac Newton discovered the law of gravity. He did not create it, God did, nor did He find it written out in the Bible.
Since each apocalyptic prophecy has a beging and ending point in time we must determine
where each one starts and ends, in order to make sense of any one individually, and all of them when put together, to understand the big picture. Since the original texts had no sentence, paragraph or chapter divisions, but latter added in the first edition of the King James Bible in the 1500's, for the purpose of referencing texts, one must ignore the chapter and verse designations inserted by translators.
Mr. Wilson in following the above "Natural Law", has discovered that there are five prophecies is Dan., and twelve in Rev., seventeen in all. Prophecy 6 (the six seals begins in Rev. 4:1 and continues through 6:17).
Where in Daniel 7 does it say that Daniel and John were zoomed to a special meeting in 1798?
It doesn't. However, God reveals greater light to those who are willing to put in the time to search for it. Does a good detective, arrive on a crime scene expecting to find a letter written by the perpetrator outlining there crime? Or must he search for evidence scattered about and with all the evidence come to a conclusion, based on facts?
So lets gather some facts and let them answer the question. Dan. 7:9-14, aligns with Rev. 4&5. Daniel and John separated by seven hundreds years, were shown pieces of the same event from two different perspectives. This is not unusual within these prophecies. For example the rise and fall of Earth's kingdoms was revealed to King Nebuchadnezzar in Dan., 2, and to Dan., in Dan., 7, fifty years apart. Shown the same kingdoms from different perspectives, using different images, metal/beast. Is there a bible verse that says these two prophecies cover the same kingdoms? No! should a reasonable individual correctly understand that they are? I think so, since God have us a brain to think and reason with, don't you?
Both Daniel and John saw the Father sitting on His throne, with thousands of angles in attendance. Daniel sees Jesus receive authority, glory, and sovereign power when the court scene commences. According to John Jesus is given the seven attributes of God, wealth, wisdom, glory, honor, power, praise and authority to receive the book sealed with seven seals. Are these two events related? Do they occur in the same service? Many bible scholars think they do. With this mind set, would it be correct to say that each prophet was zoomed/ taken in vision, to a point in time when this heavenly event would take place?
John is given no point in time within either Rev. 4 or 5, but Daniel was. Daniel 7:8, gives us some perspective on timing. Three horns/kingdoms emerge from the forth beast/Rome. Then another one emerges and uproots three of the ten. When this event was fulfilled it became time stamped. Just as you were born your birthday was time stamped. Historical records reveal the timing of this event.
Verse nine follows in chronological order according to God's natural law. Here Daniel describes the heavenly event. Now should we move this event back between the rise of the second and third beast or should we keep it in the order that God has laid out? That you will have to decide.
Mr. Wison insist that we should follow the chronological order given. I would agree with him, you may not. If we do then a point in time can be determined. In vs.20, Daniel has some questions relating to the horn before which three fell. He states, "as I watched[in vision] this horn was waging war against the holy people[saints] and defeating them, vs. 22, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgement [a decision] in favor of the Holy people...
Verses 23-28 and angel begins answering Daniels questions, and tells Daniel in vs. 25 that the holy people will be delivered into his hands[the horn who uprooted three kings] for a time, times, and a half of time. [1260 years, day/year conversion]. Vs. 26, states, "But the court will set [the heavenly event of which this prophecy and John were shown] and His power [the horn's] will be taken away...
From these facts/texts, we know that for 1260 years, some time after the Horn power uproots three kings of the ten kings which come out of the fourth empire/Rome. This "horn power" will be defeating the saints until a judgement is issued from the Father in favor of the saints. History confirms that there is only one possible entity which meets the specifications of this horn power in this prophecy and the timing laid out. That identity angers many people, but facts are facts which don't lie, and were given to us by God so that we can be informed. The horn is the papacy. History tells us that the papacy received a deadly wound in 1798, in that the pope was dethroned from Vatican City, and exiled. The papacy power over state/civil affairs and religion throughout all of Europe came to a crashing end. That time today is know as the Dark Ages. It came to an end in 1798 at the time of the court room event in heaven. To, when we subtract the 1260 years of which the horn would be overpower the saints,[reformers which latter were called Protestants] from 1798, we arrive at 538 a.d., the very year that history records the last horn/kingdom of the three horns was uprooted.
This is how Mr. Wilson claims that both Daniel and John were zoomed forward in time and shown a special meeting that took place in heaven in 1798. So now that you better understand the reasoning behind Mr. Wilson's statements are you still inclined to call this portion, false teachings?