You do the math, or, I can. I'll start, 12% of 5758 is roughly 600 WOMEN PASTORS in American Baptist Church alone !! 
[TABLE="class: cms_table_cms_table, width: 349"]
[TD="width: 142, align: center"]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]
Total Clergy in 1994[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]
% Female Clergy[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]American Baptist Churches[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]5758[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]12%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Assemblies of God[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]18,570[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]8%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]5469[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]18%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Church of God
(Anderson, IN)[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]2955[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]10%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Church of the Brethren[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]1163[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]12%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Church of the Nazarene[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]3413[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]11%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Episcopal Church[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]11,314[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]12%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Evangelical Lutheran Church in America[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]13,225[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]11%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Free Methodist Church[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]1878[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]1%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]14,578[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]19%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Southern Baptist Convention[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]35,130[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]4%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Unitarian-Universalist Association[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]1236[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]30%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]United Church of Christ[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]7297[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]25%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]United Methodist Church[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]20,617[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]15%[/TD]
[TD="width: 142"]Wesleyan Church[/TD]
[TD="width: 96, align: center"]2190[/TD]
[TD="width: 98, align: center"]11%
No, HisDaniel, these denominations are not "false," as you say so sadly judging them

But ,that's not even the point of the graph I posted. The point is that God DOES call women to pastor many churches in USA , not just a few, unless THOUSANDS of women who are pastors in USA today, and, ALL other countries in the world , at least, TEACHING in some capacity. You can choose to believe the false lies of 'prohibition' that one poster likes to continuously, insidiously, bring on minds to brainwash.

Or, you can look at the SEEN truth as well as the UNSEEN truth of God's having CALLED these women to the office of 'pastor' in denominations all over the face of the Earth
That's all that's been being said, and, I pray, that you can see the hurt going on in women all over these threads who have been callled to seminary, spent thouSands of dollars on that Godly 'call' of study and now someone tells them that they aren't called by God, they are called by Satan
Right? I mean, it's either one or the other, a person cannot SERVE two masters.
How sad, indeed, that someone is OVERRIDING the possible CALL of God on their life to study His Word in a great way so that they can go to a church He sends them to for preaching and teaching of Him . [/TD]
That's such imperfect perfection to think that you are right when you are so, so wrong in thinking that way, as, indeed, YOU are becoming God when you try to out-think His CALL on a person's life/will/plan that God has INDIVIDUALLY for them.
As long as the woman pastor in a given denomination's church is PRODUCING fruit, people are being saved, urban city programs are flourishing, church congregation numbers increasing, missionaries increasing sent out, etc. then a woman who is pastoring that KIND of progress can ONLY be being called by God and USED by God as a great vessel of His