well said I see you point and after u added the rest, I agree. I think when it comes to ministry all in all, God doesnt make a differnce as that mainly depends on the character and gifts he gave that person (for some reason ppl think they can appoint and anoint themselves, i disagree. God calles people into offices and not the people)
Now of course woman and men do have generally in the more physical manner have a different role in relationships etc. as u stated the MAN is the head of the household. then the woman is the head of the children. Woman have roles and men
SO all in all we all arent as multitasking as we would like to be lol
I dont agree with all that eve deceived kauderwelch that keeps getting brought up.. Adam could have said no and he didnt. He didnt take his responsibility so in the end, both failed. But like said its a big topic and I think we can agree to disagree in a few points.. its not like its the first.
Now of course woman and men do have generally in the more physical manner have a different role in relationships etc. as u stated the MAN is the head of the household. then the woman is the head of the children. Woman have roles and men
I dont agree with all that eve deceived kauderwelch that keeps getting brought up.. Adam could have said no and he didnt. He didnt take his responsibility so in the end, both failed. But like said its a big topic and I think we can agree to disagree in a few points.. its not like its the first.