If you go back to the beginning in the book of Acts when
the church was just beginning, you'll find several women
who preached the gospel and even to men. If a women
is as capable of teaching just as any man is, there is no
reason why they shouldn't preach. And in fact many
women do today. As to timothy I add this quote:
Both Jesus and Paul knew that rules and requirements
were just to get you seriously engaged with the need
for grace and mercy; they were never an end in themselves.
Learn and preach if you feel that is your calling
the church was just beginning, you'll find several women
who preached the gospel and even to men. If a women
is as capable of teaching just as any man is, there is no
reason why they shouldn't preach. And in fact many
women do today. As to timothy I add this quote:
Both Jesus and Paul knew that rules and requirements
were just to get you seriously engaged with the need
for grace and mercy; they were never an end in themselves.
Learn and preach if you feel that is your calling
My daughter and I were checking out a church and on mothers day they had a women teaching and it was horrible, she tried to go gangster, like she used to be some fighting ghetto girl. Even my daughter thought it was dumb, she just did not have that in her. She gave it her best shot, but it was not natural.
Here's what I see women can teach, to what capacity? Not over men, why? Because Eve was deceived and the structure from the Lord is women are to be in subjection to there husband, not men. So women are not to have authority over men or their husband. I Corinthians 14 says if they want to learn, ask their husband at home, not in the Church service. Women are to be silent in the Church, when it comes to teaching over men. Can they prophecy? I would think so, but I'm not totally sure yet, I am doing some research on it.
Here's where I see the problem, is the Church is trying to comfort to the world, because of women lib. We do not need to conform to the world, we need to conform to the image of Christ. Please do not introduce, "there is neither male not female" here because the context of that is on salvation. Because in the Jewish system women are second class citizens, the synagogues had two stories with women in one a men in the other, they never sat together. I'm wondering they still used that system, so it would be very distracting if you had a wife yelling down or up to here husband, saying, hey babe what does that mean? Does this mean women should never talk at Church, I do not think so, unless she' yelling to her husband.
This is a really touchy subject.
Can women teach in the Church, yes they can, can they teach or have authority over men, no.