Before I respond to this post wanderer can you please tell me if you read every word from the following site? MAKING SENSE OF SICKNESS AND TERMINAL ILLNESS
If so can you please tell me what your objections are for the reasons that God sometimes uses sickness not only for His glory but for various other reasons as explained in the article.
Now, it would be nice if you could please site your sources as to where you get your information. I'm not talking about you using Strong's Lexicon, I'm talking about who gave you the reason for Paul's throne in the flesh? The truth be known there is not one person alive that knows for an absolutel certaintly what it is. We do have some pretty good clues in the scriptures from the Apostle's own words that help us out.
Mainly from 2 Corinthians 12:7-8 for starters. (And yes, I know it was mentioned in the article you provided) but the conclusion which is what was said here: "Paul’s thorn was the constant persecution and opposition he faced where ever he went." does not "jive" with the context. It could be said that the problem Paul had he alluded to at Galatians 4:13,14, "but you know it was a BODILY ILLNESS that I preached the gospel to you the first time, vs14, and that whcih was a trial to you in my BODILY CONDITION you did not despise or loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself."
As you can see we do not know exactly what the condition was as it related to the thron. However, it was a bodily illness/condition in which the Apostle aked three times to be delivered/healed and God did not do it. In fact Paul himself says that the healing did not come in order for him to be humble according to 2 Corinthians 12:7.
So what do we have? We have Paul seeing revelations, which probably affected his eyesight. And remember at Acts 9:3 Paul was blinded for three days on the road to Damascus by Jesus Christ. And as I think about it Jesus said words to the affect that Paul will know what it's like to suffer as a Christian. Also Paul said at Galatians 4:15, "For I bear witness, that if possible, yho would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me." Bottom line, Paul had physical problems and God did not heal him but told him His grace is sufficient enough for him to "adapt, overcome and imporvise if need be. This is a Marine saying that I learned and am applying it to Paul.
If so can you please tell me what your objections are for the reasons that God sometimes uses sickness not only for His glory but for various other reasons as explained in the article.
Now, it would be nice if you could please site your sources as to where you get your information. I'm not talking about you using Strong's Lexicon, I'm talking about who gave you the reason for Paul's throne in the flesh? The truth be known there is not one person alive that knows for an absolutel certaintly what it is. We do have some pretty good clues in the scriptures from the Apostle's own words that help us out.
Mainly from 2 Corinthians 12:7-8 for starters. (And yes, I know it was mentioned in the article you provided) but the conclusion which is what was said here: "Paul’s thorn was the constant persecution and opposition he faced where ever he went." does not "jive" with the context. It could be said that the problem Paul had he alluded to at Galatians 4:13,14, "but you know it was a BODILY ILLNESS that I preached the gospel to you the first time, vs14, and that whcih was a trial to you in my BODILY CONDITION you did not despise or loathe, but you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself."
As you can see we do not know exactly what the condition was as it related to the thron. However, it was a bodily illness/condition in which the Apostle aked three times to be delivered/healed and God did not do it. In fact Paul himself says that the healing did not come in order for him to be humble according to 2 Corinthians 12:7.
So what do we have? We have Paul seeing revelations, which probably affected his eyesight. And remember at Acts 9:3 Paul was blinded for three days on the road to Damascus by Jesus Christ. And as I think about it Jesus said words to the affect that Paul will know what it's like to suffer as a Christian. Also Paul said at Galatians 4:15, "For I bear witness, that if possible, yho would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me." Bottom line, Paul had physical problems and God did not heal him but told him His grace is sufficient enough for him to "adapt, overcome and imporvise if need be. This is a Marine saying that I learned and am applying it to Paul.