"During the years that followed, he dove completely into self-denial and meditation, and decided that this practice would lead to peace and help with suffering. He also believed that through self-denial and meditation, a person could eventually achieve a god-like state of ‘Nirvana’. "
Questions You Can Ask
What’s your spiritual background?
Buddhism is exploding in America as a belief system. Why do you think that is?
What are the parts of Buddhism that you are most excited about?
Explain to me what it’s like to be a Buddhist when it comes to your specific spiritual disciplines and practices?
Why do you think there is evil and suffering in the world?
What do you believe about what happens after death?
Who or what set the law of karma in motion?
Have you ever felt the need to be forgiven?
How would you feel if you discovered that someone suffered in your place so that you wouldn’t have to?
Have you ever heard of the path to inner peace apart from ridding yourself of all your desires and attachments?