I have been thinking about this double standard of mine the past few hours. And of course it is a bit personal. We have been given free will. And I guess I have got used to the gay right to marry in public offices. I can't interfere with was is already the law here. But it is true. It is mocking the creation and God's order for man and woman. I feel split between the law of man and the law of God here. I have to live in a fallen world, yet I am accountable to God's standard. How to solve with? Go with the flow or swim against the stream? I left the church of Norway because of that they now accept gay weddings in church. That's the double standard.
I see accepting the gays' right to marry, also opens up more problematic issues of gays' right to adopt a child, using surrogate mothers, right to fertilisation treatment. All of which I am totally against. But can we reverse the law? Can we force our standards to the fallen world?
Where do we choose our battlefield? To win souls for Christ? To preach the Gospel as in scripture. To show the world by action what love and rrighteousness are all about?
Yes, laws can be reversed.
And who said anything about forcing? Do we not have rights to voice our opinions? To vote for what we believe?
According to your logic any side that wins is "forcing their beliefs" on those that disagree. That's quite a victimization mindset.
If gay marriage is legalized in not being forced to do anything. And, really, most of this is more about getting legal rights to things such as insurance between spouses than a genuine concern for legal marriage. But that won't get people in your side. Make it about "love" and people will jump on board.
Besides, it's undeniable that every door that is opened is only moving in the direction of opening a door on another taboo subject further down the line.
Gay marriage was legalized in the US and following that not an increase in groups wanting to push for the legalization of other sorts of relationships. And then gender fluidity. And not designating bathrooms by gender. The door was opened and it invited a wave of immorality.
But we are supposed to sit by and do nothing because we don't have the right to a voice? I think not.