Hi @jackrosie ,
A tree ( us) must have our root ( Jesus) grounded in the good soil ( the word of God) to be a fruit bearing tree.
When a tree starts from a seed it is just a sapling and doesn't have strength on its on. The root ( Jesus) of said tree gets the nourishment from the will of the Father ( God) and the word and grows deep in the soil so it may withstand things that come against it.
Grounded in the good soil a tree bears fruit after it's kind and us being followers of Jesus must bear the fruit that is of Him.
Jesus,how was His ministry? Full of great love, for greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another.
Tenderness ,in that children even followed and listened to Him and He would pull them to Him saying,if we are not like these little children we cannot enter into heaven.
Kind and gentle, for when the woman with the issue thought if I can just touch the hem of His garment I will be healed. He neither scolded not rebuked her for her faith.
So to bear fruit we must bear the attributes of Christ Jesus,doing the will of the Father and the word which He quoted often.People must be able to look at us and recognize Him.
We do not have to worry about the Fruit of the Spirit for He will take care of that on His own as we yield and grow deeper in God. That is His own bearing in us as we become more like Jesus and holy unto God.
The optimal fruit of a Christian is another Christian.
Do others see Christ in us enough that they want to become like Him as well.
A tree ( us) must have our root ( Jesus) grounded in the good soil ( the word of God) to be a fruit bearing tree.
When a tree starts from a seed it is just a sapling and doesn't have strength on its on. The root ( Jesus) of said tree gets the nourishment from the will of the Father ( God) and the word and grows deep in the soil so it may withstand things that come against it.
Grounded in the good soil a tree bears fruit after it's kind and us being followers of Jesus must bear the fruit that is of Him.
Jesus,how was His ministry? Full of great love, for greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for another.
Tenderness ,in that children even followed and listened to Him and He would pull them to Him saying,if we are not like these little children we cannot enter into heaven.
Kind and gentle, for when the woman with the issue thought if I can just touch the hem of His garment I will be healed. He neither scolded not rebuked her for her faith.
So to bear fruit we must bear the attributes of Christ Jesus,doing the will of the Father and the word which He quoted often.People must be able to look at us and recognize Him.
We do not have to worry about the Fruit of the Spirit for He will take care of that on His own as we yield and grow deeper in God. That is His own bearing in us as we become more like Jesus and holy unto God.
The optimal fruit of a Christian is another Christian.
Do others see Christ in us enough that they want to become like Him as well.
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