You need to first understand the difference between a "royal grant covenant" and a "suzerain-vassal covenant" before making any unfounded assertions. Conflating the two distinct covenants is cause for confusion, faulty doctrine and mayhem.
Overview of The Abrahamic And Mosaic Covenants And Their Relationship To Ancient Near Eastern Treaties
Overview of The Abrahamic And Mosaic Covenants And Their Relationship To Ancient Near Eastern Treaties (
"The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants. I will evaluate the nature of each; specifically how each can be likened to the ancient near eastern (ANE) Royal Grant and Suzerain Vassal treaties. I will provide stipulations of each covenant, the time aspect, and the promised rewards and/or consequences of disobedience of each. Before beginning though it will be helpful to define what a covenant is and then more specifically what a Royal Grant and Suzerain Vassal treaty is; and then compare and contrast this with the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants. I will conclude with the importance of each and how each of the covenants relates to the modern believer."
Overview of The Abrahamic And Mosaic Covenants And Their Relationship To Ancient Near Eastern Treaties
Overview of The Abrahamic And Mosaic Covenants And Their Relationship To Ancient Near Eastern Treaties (
"The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants. I will evaluate the nature of each; specifically how each can be likened to the ancient near eastern (ANE) Royal Grant and Suzerain Vassal treaties. I will provide stipulations of each covenant, the time aspect, and the promised rewards and/or consequences of disobedience of each. Before beginning though it will be helpful to define what a covenant is and then more specifically what a Royal Grant and Suzerain Vassal treaty is; and then compare and contrast this with the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants. I will conclude with the importance of each and how each of the covenants relates to the modern believer."
Exactly!!! The Abrahamic Covenant was unconditional and everlasting. Nothing they could do would take the land from them permanently, God was the only one responsible to up hold the covenant. Mosaic wasn't.
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