They have to get more and more "clever" ( italics because they are not) to reconcile the notion in their minds that the rapture and the 2nd coming on white horses are the same exact event.
They get owned, stand in their doctrine's ashes of ruin, and with a supernatural poker face, pretend they have standing.
It is getting more and more comical.
They get owned, stand in their doctrine's ashes of ruin, and with a supernatural poker face, pretend they have standing.
It is getting more and more comical.
The purpose of our contention is not to be against them, but to get them to open their eyes to see what we God's word says about this subject. I don't know why we should be surprised though, for the word of God says that there would be those who would abandon the truth in the last days.
Can you imagine what they are teaching to a new believer? 'The good news is that you have forgiveness of sins and eternal life. But the bad news is, you still have to go through the coming wrath of God. Sorry! Now comfort each other with these words.'
It certainly wouldn't be a blessed hope, nor could we comfort each other with those words, if we were to have to through the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, which Jesus said would be a time of tribulation unequaled from the beginning, until now and never to be equaled again. And they think that the Lord is going to put His bride through that!
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