You know coming to the U.S. I get to see first hand the massive debate that has occurred in my nation regarding abortion. For me, I feel that abortion is wrong, its murder. As a man, I have the responsibility to help any woman that I impregnate, and help the child that is a result of my actions. This being said. These are my personnal vews. Realistically, taking my personnal views away though, Abortion is a much needed service in our society. Most woman who seek abortion are poor, unwed mothers. If abortion was made illegal in my nation these poor, unwed mothers would innundate our social service program even more with children that would require services from the government, which is paid for by you, the tax payer. Additionally, if abortion was made illegal, it doesn't mean that these woman would stop having them, any more then you can stop crack and herion from being on the streets. Instead of these woman having these services in healthy, sterile environments, they would have them in back alley situations, that could expose them to dangerous situations. While I myself am adamantly anti-abortion, if made illegal, there would be 100,000's of more children in the welfare network, as well as increased taxes, further social deprediation, and lastly, alot more single parent homes. Instead of having abortion being made illegal, we should educate. Educate on what the fetus looks like every week and month. Educate on the use of birth control and condoms. Educate on the need to stay abstinant if possible, and if not, then to protect yourself from diseases, and having a baby. Lastly, I think EVERY girl & boy should have to have one of those Babies that you have to wear that cries, and pee's and poops, and does all kinds of stuff. They should be mandated for every schools 8th, 9th, and 10th grade class. Let these kids have a one week reminder of what unprotected sex can result in. Just my opinion though. Outlawing won't save anybody, it'll just cause the price to go up, and sterility of it to go down. Education is key.