Generalizing, yes, abortion, in and of itself, is a sin. Howver, in lots of cases, the pregnant woman is a victim, cast aside, torn, bleeding, hurt and taken advantage of. She did not ask for the pregnancy, it was forced upon her,
You do error in saying her pregnancy was forced upon her. The sex was forced upon her, the pregnancy was an attempt for God to Bless her with a child that would LOVE her, and call her mom. God was giving her a Blessing in the midst of a terrible act. All children are Blessings to their Mother. In the old day, a woman who could not have children was considered to be cursed by God. Those who could get pregnant were Blessed by God. You do error in saying that her pregnancy was forced on her. The Truth is, the sex was forced upon her, the pregnancy was a gift from God.
Who decides who will create life and who will not? God does that.
Can satan cause a person to get pregnant? The answer is NO. Can satan cause a person to be raped, sure. But not cause her to get pregnant. ONLY God decides who will get pregnant and who will not get pregnant. That woman that was raped and got pregnant by it. Tell me, if she keeps the baby, will the child love her? Yes, will the child call her "Mommy"? Yes, will the child LOVE her MOM? Yes. Will the Mother love her own child? Yes. Is it possible that the child is a Blessing from God, something to come out of a very bad situation? YES of course.
But no not with this wicked and perverse generation, they will look for any excuse to kill children, and the excuse that they were raped is just as good, if not the best excuse to use to kill children that are not currently wanted. EXCUSES.
The ability to get pregnant is a BLESSING from God, woe to all those who kill that which God is trying to create. It is never the will of God that a pregnant woman (which He allowed to become pregnant) kill a child inside her, for NO REASON. If God did not want her to get pregnant, she would not have gotten pregnant. Tell me how many women are raped and do not get pregnant? Now if every raped women automatically got pregnant, then i would see justifying killing the child within. But to get pregnant, to be able to bring life into this world, to be chosen as the vessel to bring life into this world, is a Blessing from God, NO MATTER the circumstances. All abortion is evil. No EXCUSES.
in most cases,violently or while she was either forced or seduced while not being aware of the intention. You have to keep in mind...if SHE is a victim, the one who was violated in any form or fashion, her body, mind, spirit, etc. has also been jeopardized and put into confusion. We know from where CONFUSION comes from...and it is NOT a Godly place.
Tell me Truly, Do all women who are raped have confusion as to keep the child? Or are there some who would not dream of killing a child even if they were raped? So then those who are confused, which is not of God, are the ones being tempted to commit murder are they not? You just said confusion is not of God and comes from satan, if then a women is raped, and thereby becomes confused whether to keep her child or not keep the child, how is that a Godly confusion? It's not, it is absolutely evil to even think upon killing the child. The mere fact that they are confused (NOT OF GOD) should reveal satan is at work in that confusion. But you are implying since they are confused, lets kill the child so as to get rid of the confusion that the woman is suffering from, do you see how that is illogical? How silly that is?
If a woman can emotionally deal with the fact that her body and life is forever changed due to this, there is a glimmer of hope.
Are you saying that all women who have children and it changes her body and life forever due to that, is a bad thing. Certainly seems that is what you are implying, that because they got pregnant and the child would change that womans life and body forever, that it is a bad thing and the child needs to be killed because those bad things will happen to her. What if the child changes that woman's life for the better?
However, few females know how to cope or deal. Few husbands can handle the fact that their married life is now topsy turvy with an upcoming unasked for child in the picture.
And that is a good reason to kill the child according to you? Is that what you are saying?
I only know of one couple in my lifetime who were so adament about their stance on ABORTION that they proclaimed that even if a violent rape occured, by a single male or group, even of a different race, and pregnancy developed, they would lovingly, willingly and sweetly see it as GOD's will and raise that baby as their own, no questions asked, no arguments, completely as if it were planned.
Have you not read, that only a FEW will take the narrow and difficult path that leads to life everlasting, that only a FEW will find that path. Many will kill their children and not blink an eye, because they were unplanned children. But the FEW who know the Truth of God, they will be the ones you described above, and they are very few indeed, and they are very pleasing to God.
It sounds good for the record, but deep down, I honestly think they would have not carried the pregnancy to the full term. Is abortion a forgivable 'sin'? According to the power of the blood of JESUS...YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!
only if they feel remorse and sorry for doing so, will they be forgiven of it. But knowing that it is sinful, knowing that in order to be forgiven of this heinous crime against humanity, that you have to feel sorry and remorse for doing so, SHOULD reveal to you that it is evil and wicked and wrong and sinful and should not be done. But in reading this post i read you defending a woman killing her child if she was raped, and then all she needed to do afterwards is repent of it, and all is well. This is the same logic this evil and perverted generation holds on to. Commit all the sins you want to, and never cease from them, as long as you repent afterwards you are Good with God. lol, there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth when Christ shows up, and they are not taken with Him.
^i^ Responding to Post #63