I´m not going to say ppl met their husband or wife groupingly or playing hide-and-seek. Those that are or were married, married for a reason; although that reason could be "I was wrong" or "I was deluded".
I marreid my ex-wife while I was in love with someone else I loved more (and I did not regret it, except when I chose THEM wrong) and they chose me wrongly.
No one today loves blind dating!
At least the internet spare them their time to avoid dating (or marring) a person they don´t like and "Christians" could be disgised in sheep skins.
Good ones can trick their mates, for a long time (I have heard stories, from personal friends I had) who married a handsome man and, after some time, those were gays and, the person I know, had a baby with him... We cannot see ppls heart!
Money is an issue! This person I´m telling you married that man not only for his "beauty", but his money and, after divorce, she got a building she uses to rent, becasue it has several apartments.
Money is an issue! Many ppl married to get the good things we can buy with it. No one likes to abandom their confort or facilities to live a life like John the Baptist.
Many ppl are getting divorced, because the economy of their life is less enjoyable than the life they have in their bed and, I have known a bunch of poor ppl (I prefer them) than the rich and OLD wives that never got enough.