God made us, he should decide when we die.
here is no way to tell how many of the more than 1,000 people executed since 1976 may also have been innocent. Courts do not generally entertain claims of innocence when the defendant is dead. Defense attorneys move on to other cases where clients' lives can still be saved. Some cases with strong evidence of innocence include:
Carlos DeLuna Texas - Conviction: 1983, Executed: 1989
Ruben Cantu Texas - Convicted: 1985, Executed: 1993
Larry Griffin Missouri - Conviction: 1981, Executed: 1995
Joseph O'Dell Virginia - Conviction: 1986, Executed: 1997
David Spence Texas - Conviction: 1984, Executed: 1997
Leo Jones Florida - Conviction: 1981, Executed: 1998
Gary Graham Texas - Conviction: 1981, Executed: 2000
Claude Jones Texas - Conviction: 1989, Executed: 2000
Cameron Willingham Texas - Conviction: 1992, Executed: 2004
Troy Davis Georgia - Conviction: 1991, Executed: 2011
Lester Bower Texas - Conviction: 1984, Executed: 2015
Executed But Possibly Innocent | Death Penalty Information Center