This is is a tough group. Thank you to some that offered some comfort and some understanding. I was not the crazy "Sybil mother" just one that wanted the best for her daughter, and one that makes mistakes. It hurts my heart that she is living the way she is. I am not the evil person that some have described. I am also a woman who falls short in her walk with God every day.
When I first talked with her, after finding out, I said some mean things, as did she. I called the next day to apologize for the things I said in anger. She said she understood I was upset and emotional. She accepted my apology but did not offer one for the things she said. She is upset that this happened. It will only get harder for her and that just breaks my heart more.
When I first talked with her, after finding out, I said some mean things, as did she. I called the next day to apologize for the things I said in anger. She said she understood I was upset and emotional. She accepted my apology but did not offer one for the things she said. She is upset that this happened. It will only get harder for her and that just breaks my heart more.
So while most want to put your daughter on a pedestal and hang you from the nearest tree, I suspect you only wanted the best for your girl and its difficult to see her take a destructive path towards poverty. While having a grandchild is nice, its got to be very disappointing to watch them grow-up on welfare.
But you do the best you can with kids, and then they're on their own. Its not your fault and you can't change the life she has chosen for herself. It is what it is now. I'd maintain a relationship with her, but don't support her financially. Every decision she makes has consequences, and if you remove those hardships, she'll never grow-up and take responsibility. Talk with her, visit her, but don't compromise your morals. You know she should have taken a better path, but she doesn't care, so lecturing a stubborn girl or staying up all night crying over what could have been is now water under the bridge. Its sad to see your kid make life altering mistakes, but the mistakes are hers to make, just make sure it doesn't interfere with your own marriage.
I'm chiming out now... Advice is free because its usually worth zip
Just a side note; My sister has a 38 year old son, he's a cocaine addict. She exercised this "unconditional love" thing and has supported him no matter what. He has never paid a bill, doesn't own a car, has no job, never left home, etc. Meanwhile my sister got a divorce twice, filed bankruptcy twice, and lost her house, all directly caused by her cokehead son. That's why I have a harsh stance against this "support your child" no matter what hype. Trust me, it has repercussions. jmo
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