"Radical feminism is rebellion, plain and simple. Rebellion against the God-given order. It is a rebellion that is destroying western society. And it is a trap into which even professing Christians are liable to fall, if they are not on their guard.
The crying need of the times is for Christians to be well taught about what the Word of God says about the roles of husbands, wives, and children, and to put it into practice; to understand what true womanhood and true manhood is all about. Remember the commandment of Holy Scripture: “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” (Exod. 23:2).
Go against the grain! Swim against the tide! Let your own life, and your family structure, be a reflection of the biblical pattern! “Be not conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:2)!
Human nature being what it is, we just never get the right balance. Not wanting women to be the virtual slaves they are in various Middle Eastern countries, western society has swung the pendulum so far in the other direction that “freedom” for women means license to live lower than animals if they want.
Which would we rather have? Women as virtual slaves, or women fornicating, aborting their children, and using their acquired power to grind men underfoot? Frankly, I don’t want either extreme.
The unregenerate are destined to always swing from one extreme to the other. Only in Christ is the right balance set out, and maintained: the husband as the head of the home, the provider and protector; the wife as the homemaker; the children in their proper place, under parental care and guidance until they are adults. This alone is the God-ordained pattern, and the only key to true and lasting happiness." -Pastor Shaun Willcock
"Feminism's disrespect for men and boys has shaped schools and educational policy around values and methods that favor girls over boys. Competition, a natural state of being for many boys, is considered harmful and evil, to be replaced with girl-friendly cooperative, relational activities.
Schools are denying the very behavior that makes little boys: boys. My colleague Don Closson wrote, Gender crusaders believe that if they can influence little boys early enough, they can make them more like little girls.
To despise the glory of masculinity is to reject the very image of God. To despise the treasure of femininity is to reject what the Bible calls the glory of man. That's the problem with feminism: it is a rejection of what God has called good.
It has gone too far in addressing the inequities of living in a fallen world. It's a rebellion against God's right to be God and our responsibility to submit joyfully to Him." -Sue Bohlin
^ True! That said, one only needs to open the New Testament and read the synoptic gospels to see that Jesus was the first Christian feminist
Jesus' interactions with women are prominent in the life of Jesus. With great insight Dorothy Sayers said about Jesus:
“Women had never known a man like this. A prophet and teacher who never nagged them, never flattered or coaxed or patronized them. One who took their questions and arguments seriously; who never mapped out their sphere for them, never urged them to be feminine or jeered at them for being female; who had no axe to grind and no uneasy male dignity to defend; who took them as he found them and was completely unself-conscious."
Both in his teaching and in his activities, Jesus reached out to women as persons who were equally worthy as men in his saving activity.
In the gospels, Jesus treated women with incredible respect. His interaction with the Samaritan woman is a remarkable exchange since Jesus was not only interacting with a Samaritan, a member of a race that was despised by Jews, but also a woman in a male dominated society. Jesus’ conversation with this woman is one of the most profound records in the entire Bible.
Jesus transcended all cultural, ethnic, and gender barriers treating her as a person worthy of the living water of eternal life apart from what others said about her, her accomplishments, her possessions, or her appearance: all immaterial to His relationship to her. And, who doesn't want to be loved like THAT.
Jesus honored women's spirituality, intellectual capabilities, service, and personhood.
Note; however, that Jesus did so without EVER degenerating, degrading, attacking, undermining, etc... a single male or the Biblical male role.
Those would call themselves Christian feminists need to understand that Peter doesn't get robbed anything whatsoever in order for Mary to get paid and follow Jesus's example.