...I'm your Cartoon Critic because you are never too old for cartoons (and this is for whoever made that ridiculous picture, not the person who started this thread unless they're the same person who made it).
Snow White:
It wasn't her "burgeoning sexuality" that threatened the Queen, it was the fact that she was prettier and it made the Queen jealous... a normal part of life that some girls will face growing up though usually from other girls, not their evil step-parents. And her looks weren't what saved her, it was her friendliness and helpful behavior that won over the dwarves loyalty and made them want to protect her just like any good friend would. And her ability to sing was what attracted the prince in her direction in the first place, not her looks, and after being charmed by her personality it inspired him to search for her until he found her.
Sleeping Beauty:
Betrothal was not that uncommon back in the day, and arranged marriages have a higher success rate than regular marriages. And anyone who has a mind dirty enough to think a simple kiss is sex probably shouldn't be allowed to have any physical contact with any living creature (and if they thought the Disney version was perverted they should steer clear of the Anne Rice version).
I don't understand the first complaint. Whoever made this picture clearly has a problem with women who can't seem to think for themselves and rely on their looks to save them, but then when they're faced with a princess who can think for herself and actually respects herself to not marry just anyone because it's expected of her, they hate that too? Whoever made this just wants any reason to hate Disney and is being completely unreasonable here and contradicting themselves. And way to sound like the villain and continue to call the poor boy who saves her in the end, "a street rat." Also, this was one of the few Disney princesses that was able to do more than just play "damsel in distress." The only reason she was actually in danger at the end was it took an evil sorcerer with "phenomenal cosmic powers" to finally overpower her. I'm sorry she didn't pack her own superhuman powers to fight back, but I bet if she did she'd get yelled at next for witchcraft.
She changes her appearance because from the beginning of the movie she wanted to see what life was like as a human. Like when kids pretend they can fly or they're movie stars or whatever, it was like that. She wanted to be human well before she met Prince Eric, and when she does meet him it only makes him the cherry on top if she becomes a human, and you can't really blame her for that, I mean he was one of the more cute Disney Princes. Also he is attracted to her when he first sees her in her mermaid form and still loves her even after he's seen it, so it makes the argument that "she did it for him" completely invalid. Also (I know bringing up a video game doesn't count but since it was also made by Disney) in Kingdom Hearts 2, Eric finds out that she's a mermaid and before she even thinks of trying to find a way to become human again he offers to learn how to swim just so he can spend the rest of his life with her. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of man I'd like to marry.
Belle does not save the Beast with her sexuality but by pure love. The spell clearly stated that only true love would break the spell, not a random sexy seductress. She falls in love with him in spite of what he is, learns to see the good in him, and learns that the outward appearance isn't what matters, it's the heart (sound familiar?). Also this was another princess who stood out because she was willing to fend for herself, she had a mind of her own, and just because she was pretty she wasn't willing to just take the easy road, marry the handsome man in town who could give her a stable life, and spend the rest of her days as a baby producing homemaker. And even when locked in a cellar, knowing that the towns people are on the way to brutally murder the beast, she breaks out and runs out to save him, caring more about him than herself.
She isn't saved by the prince, did you even watch this movie? She saves herself. After being locked in the tower by her evil step mother (a woman who I would have punched in the face every chance I got but wasn't because her step daughter was obedient and respectful even in the most hateful of conditions... ''Children obey your parents,'' anyone?) she is saved by her friends the mice, creatures she had always treated with the utmost compassion and kindness when most people would have driven them out of the house or had them killed, and even has the nerve to finally at the end stand up for herself, march down the stairs, past her step mother, and put the slipper on to prove she was the person who won over the heart of the prince, who by the way fell in love with her after spending time with her, not because he thought she was just pretty (the dance scene outside of the palace ring a bell?).
If you really really really want to find a reason to hate and see the bad in something, you'll see it. But maybe if you took notes from some of these movies that taught compassion, forgiveness, and above all trying to find the good in others, you probably would have walked away with some valuable lessons from these films rather than finding (or in most cases) making up excuses to hate them and trying to convince people they're evil. Nothing like taking something purely innocent and twisting it to make it into a cesspool of immorality.