@MegaTron I've seen worse people at the mall actually. And it's difficult to find friends you don't know on facebook. Don't add anyone you don't know and vice versa. Most people I've tried to add scream and block me. So yeah, good luck making new friends. FB is primarily for people you meet IRL.
Thats actually kinda my point. Parents think its some crazy new tool for pedophiles to get kids as easy as possible. No simply explain to your kids about not adding people you don't know. Im sorry these kids aren't as dumb as you think they are. And there are a lot worse sites they could be going to. And besides its not like its tough to hide stuff on facebook. You can add parents as friends and then still block them from seeing anything you don't want them to see. So seriously there comes a point of trusting your kids to make the right choices and hopefually teaching them well enough so they do so.