I do; and again, we are called upon not to participate in sin, but that's different than being in the presence of sinners. Honestly there's nothing going on at the gay reception that isn't going on openly in the streets these days. Are we to stay locked up in our homes now because to walk the street is to be guilty of condoning the sin that runs it? The line I see drawn is that we are to not throw stones at sinners, and only shun the saved who refuse correction.
At the same time there are certain things that have more "grime" than we can really see. I sit in that same boat at times with not so grueling of a choice but the same concept behind it. I have a cousin that calls herself a Christian but is living with her boyfriend. I struggled a lot about whether or not I should even enter her apartment (as though that would show that I support them) so in a way it is similar, because I was invited to a dinner party. I went and just felt sort of odd.
My sister had the same conscience choice at a different time when helping them move in.
I was trying to go to church with her one sunday and we were supposed to meet there and then she said I could just come to her place and we could just watch it there. I vacillated back and forth and eventually just went over. I wasn't really praying and asking the Lord about it, I was just trusting my own conscience and hoping the Lord would work it out because I too get tired of having these situations in our current world.
In any case, we watched the sermon, I had some coffee, I felt uncomfortable the whole time and tried to get some discussion going about the message but it didn't really go anywhere. The odd thing is people feel like I'm far away and I need Jesus. We all do. Things are confusing. Eventually (and this has happened when I've been at bars and parties) I just felt almost a magnetic pull to leave and so I did.
I've brought stuff like that before the Lord and it's just so confusing and heartrending because I want to speak to them in love that they are living in sin and are being deceived but not come across as judgmental. To kind of "leave the line open" so to speak (in case they ever need me and the Lord wants to use me with them) and not completely close the door.
^I actually feel like this approach is wrong. It's lukewarm Christianity. I haven't been back over but it's still on the back burner in a way.
As I'm typing this (as I typically just sort of disconnect and forget about things like this) I feel condemnation or perhaps it is the Lord drawing me to make a move and let her know that she is living in sin (because maybe no one has said). Probably something of a mixture.
How do we rebuke in Love and yet not turn someone off?
I think a letter is a good approach. Partly stating your position and how it's caused such an internal debate and whatever else you feel led to write.
It's tough in this day and age to make a stand and actually make the hard choice...not just make a sort of blah "oh well, I hope the Lord works in them and love them where they are" kind of choice. I feel that way about even people that I'm friends with online.
I then find myself looking at how Jesus lived and thinking back through acts. Definitely much to think about. EPH 6:12-13
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