What if the man in Corinth that was sleeping with his Fathers wife decided to marry her and invited Paul? Would he go? (some say they were probably married but it still was considered a shameful sin) Or would Paul say what he said in the letter to the Corinthians about taking a stand for holiness about this issue and giving him over to satan for the destruction of the flesh.
"Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven." Many will hate you for your love for Jesus, righteousness and true holiness. Even members of your own family will hate you for your obedience to Christ.
When The Lord comes back in fiery judgment taking vengeance on his adversaries and all those who spoke against him and were obstinate in their foolhardy rebellion against him, you will be justified in their eyes in that day when they see the glory of Christ revealed in you, the same glory that was seen in Christ on the mount of transfiguration, and when they see that your holy faith and your holy stance purchased a membership on that winning team! Then they will grievously regret, in that day, that they did not listen to you about such things as the judgment to come, when they asked you your opinion about their gay wedding.
"Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord is going to enter into the kingdom of heaven." Many will hate you for your love for Jesus, righteousness and true holiness. Even members of your own family will hate you for your obedience to Christ.
When The Lord comes back in fiery judgment taking vengeance on his adversaries and all those who spoke against him and were obstinate in their foolhardy rebellion against him, you will be justified in their eyes in that day when they see the glory of Christ revealed in you, the same glory that was seen in Christ on the mount of transfiguration, and when they see that your holy faith and your holy stance purchased a membership on that winning team! Then they will grievously regret, in that day, that they did not listen to you about such things as the judgment to come, when they asked you your opinion about their gay wedding.
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