Tell her to get off her high horse. Online porn generates more $$$ than all professional sports combined. That statistic alone should tell you that more than likely your own husband is also "doing the deed", whether you know about it or not. Yes Jesus said not to look at other women with lustful thoughts, but he probably also would want us to stop playing video games, watching so much tv, and to start counting our calories. Trust me on this honey, you wouldn't want to be married to a man who didn't ocassionaly have "lustful thoughts about women." All men fantasize, and it's better he explore those urges at home than pulling a Josh Dugger and finding him at a strip club or with a prostitute. Masturbation has been around since the beginning of time, and so has porn (just google the Venus dolls from 2300 b.c.). If that's cheating, than 90% of men (and many women) are guilty as charged.