The Koran teaches that unbelievers are to be murdered and their wives, children, property taken as spoils/prey for the muslim person....Also whenever they refer to Jesus they say "peace be upon Him" what does that saying mean.....they only use that saying for people who are dead....aka they believe Jesus was just a prophet and did not resurrect....
You can say the god of Islam is the God of Israel/Christianity it flat out is not....even the symbols for the cresent moon with one star is on every islamic country flag why??? because allah is the moon good, and a derivation of baal worship which uses the crescent moon on top of the bull god's head with the cresenct moon as horns and the sun representing the star....a derivation from babylon semiramis, nimrod, tamuz worship, except the male deity's used to be represented by the sun and the moon was considered female ...(like in egypt ra was a male sun good for example) in islam the same concept is there, just reversed with the moon god being a male deity. You can watch interesting documentaries by doc marquis on youtube about islam where he traces it all the way back to babylon....
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