Let us distinct between wisdom from God and wisdom from experience. Wisdom from God can be given exceedingly to a young person while an older person might be set in his own understanding (proud) and unable to receive the wisdom from above. On the other hand, in genereal, there is something called "learning by experience" or "lifewisdom". That kind of wisdom is also related to the life in christ. For instance, the first 2-4 years of my christian life, i remember how my lack of experience led me to draw some wrong conclutions.Through the years I learned more about the life in christ. BUT sometimes experience can also lead to wrong conclutions - opposing the wisdom of God. Experience can be interpreted in a earthly/carnal way, or in a spiritual way. Paul wrote in Timothy 4.12: "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young". Timothy had the wisdom from God, and was spiritually equiped. But it is likely that also Timothy grew in wisdom throug the years.