What Mark Mulder says is true. Whether gay marriage is allowed or not, it is not possible. I could give you permission to fly like an eagle, but that does not mean you would be able to do so.
God's people need to be informed. Marriage is... "When a man clings to his wife and they become one flesh."
The marriage certificate that gays are fighting for was not instituted until the 1700s by the Catholic church. That's right. Certificates only existed for less than 300 years of the millenia that marriage has existed.
Furthermore, you might find it interesting that the marriage certificate was not a document of marriage. It was a written permission slip by the church saying that two were allowed to get married. What you might find even more astounding is that they are the same today except that the law now says "permission by the church or state". It also specifically says (today) that a certificate does not officiate a marriage but may be used as a record of a marriage that has taken place.
So not only is it not possible for anyone other than a man and woman to be married, it is also not possible to have sex before marriage. If a man and woman have sex, they are married according to the word of God. Thus is it written that if a man lie with a woman, he should take her to be his wife. Thus is it also written to not let any man divide what God has put together. For it is God that has created the natural affection a man and woman have for one another. They should forsake all others. But no, instead we have a culture filled with fornication and adultery being destroyed by ignorance of what is Holy and acceptable to God. Also is it written, "Don't you know that your body is the temple of God? Would you join the Holy Spirit to a prostitute? God forbid."
So let it be settled people. It simply is not possible.
To God be the glory.