Many churches recognize same-sex marriage. Your denomination doesnt have to. No one is making you recognize it. Most same-sex couples are not looking for religious recognition. They are looking for LEGAL recognition. There is separation of church and state. If you want the state to stay out of your church, keep your church out of the state. Or expect your church to start paying taxes.
Many churches recognize same sex marriage and even perform them. It doesn't make it right in God's eyes. It's a sad day when even a church will not stand for God's truth amid a corrupt society. Aren't Christians supposed to be salt and light in this dark and corrupt world?
That being said, marriage is a covenant before God. Don't really understand why someone who flouts God's laws would want to have a marriage. Then again you can state that there is a difference between state marriages and religious marriages if you truly want to separate church and state.
Then if you go into the constitution, you will find that no-where does it say separation of church and state. Just that government shall make no law against the establishment or exercise of a religion
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Nothing about a separation of Church and State, sorry. This concept was coined by a letter from Jefferson and has nothing to do with this clause.
Either way, Churches need to start standing for God's Truth rather than man's laws. Nowhere did Jesus say that following Him would be easy since the world is contrary to Jesus. They will think that what we believe is silly or stupid and lump us in that way. In fact they may attack us for believing in God. That's why we have to endure and stand for His Truth. We cannot compromise or we risk being lukewarm... and summarily vomited out of the mouth of Jesus in the end.