and yeah i'm a tad bit upset with the fact that someone is telling me my christian faith is weak because I don't home-school. How else am I supposed to take those comments?
Generally, I tend to credit the snorting to misplaced conviction... just saying.
You can be all mad at me... for having an opinion...and you can also be mad at me for being passionate about what the bible says... in the long run...the word of God stands.
It is quite obvious you do not understand the phrase... "this is not intention to call you out personally" as a disconnect phrase from talking to you personally to talking in general. Get over yourself... your fit isn't going to change my position on the matter.
I didn't know profile disclosure was required to validate participation here on CC. Did you want my answer based n the children I have given birth to or include those from professional vocation and volunteer association? I wonder why it would matter... you've already had your fit and disregarded the principal anyway.