the problem people only want to debate and some people think one way others another most of the time it seems like the bible is not even close to there posts on subjects like this.
to be honest women and men are both people they should be treated as such.
at the same time the bible says the woman is the weaker one *the bible *
and the bible says do not be harsh with your wife *bible*
and wife to submit to your husband well as long as it is biblical what he is asking you to submit to *bible*
as well woman was made for man as a helper *bible*
you see women and men are both the same under Gods eyes but we have roles and we have commands women have there commands and so do men.
the man is the head of his house *bible*
as well he is to treat his wife (Just) like Christ treated his church aka his bride *bible*
he did love his church and take care of her and give his life for her as husbands are too but just becase he served his bride does not mean he is any lower than he was men are to serve there wife just as Christ did but he still has athoraty over his wife so long as he is a biblical husband so he is to act like this just as Jesus does to his church.
this is how I see it I find this to be a balance you can't be a adolf hittler over your wife but you can't be the couch potato ether you have a rule as a husband to disciple your wife and love her just like Jesus Christ our lord and saver.

I hope this advise helps