Personally I would go a step further and say that soap operas are the single worst things on television and if I only had the power to abolish them!
Most programmes I don't particularly like I can still see some value in, for instance a lot of comedy shows sadly rely on crude sexual remarks to get people laughing so I avoid most of them, but even the worst ones sometimes have good clean comedy so they have a good side and a bad side......soap operas......I've seen enough in my life to be convinced there is nothing positive in them.
Everything they build they build to knockdown, they are like a chronicle of self-inflicted human misery, I genuinely pity people who feel a soap opera mirrors their own life, to me the only good that comes from them existing is to remind us to keep trying to be better or that grey repetitive cycle of pathetic human behaviour will become reality, and we are already too close to it.
hate soap operas
rant finished.