Being from Canada Im not use to meds being handed out so easily. Her husbands family are all on pills as Ive mentioned. Her oldest son is on meds and now they want to put the youngest on meds because of this hoarding type behavior. My mother talked to him,but he's 9 so he really can't put into words whats bothering him. And he doesn't want to say anything against his dad but I know the fathers behavior is upsetting both the boys. Its hard to find a good councilor to help when they believe meds solves all.I just don't know what to do to find help for the boys.
And it's not just the father's behavior upsetting this kid. He's being raised to believe that life is just one big parachute drop, and skip the parachute. If the drop doesn't work, take a pill. He's got NO security blanket. His father and mother have taught him that.
He's nine, and trying very hard to come up with his own security blanket. That's bad. A kid should feel safe growing up. This boy does not.