You believe in the false resources. They working with fear and false information. Nobody knows what will be in some years in our body through the vaccine. How then so called doctors can claime that people will die, ore the vaccine destroy the immune system ore sterillizes. Thats the lies who producing fear, without any proof. But you deceide to believe them. Thats makes a slave out of you. That makes you blind for the reality. Only because you belong maby to the people who will get no harmful covidinfection, like the most. You are telling it is no danger its like a flu.
You dont care that others will die because of the infection ore have live long health problems.
This is Christian way of thinking? If this is what Christians in the US and Canada believe?
It is a risk of any medicine which was made for to cure people ore to heal people.
People will have serious side effects. Some people will die.
Without lockdown, without masks, without distance this Covid had killed much more then it has done till yet.
In February my hospital was on the limit with covidpatients, so wards has to be closed for to have personal resources for to treat the covidpatients. Thats fact. And without the lockdowns the situation would have run out of controle. But you are believing people who are telling its only like flu, no problem.
You ever worked in a hospital full with Covidpatients?
Yes goverments, ore responsible people made mistakes, made false decisions. But you would do also. Thats the worsest worldwide situation since WW II. Imagine you are the responsible person who have to find directly an solution that it will be not more worse. For to protect people, for to work at best, that so less as posible people will die ore get serious health problems. But all people waiting that you will make any mistake for to say. Oh you are wrong. You have a fine job then. You would be glad if you then find someone who says,: i pray for you.
You dont care that others will die because of the infection ore have live long health problems.
This is Christian way of thinking? If this is what Christians in the US and Canada believe?
It is a risk of any medicine which was made for to cure people ore to heal people.
People will have serious side effects. Some people will die.
Without lockdown, without masks, without distance this Covid had killed much more then it has done till yet.
In February my hospital was on the limit with covidpatients, so wards has to be closed for to have personal resources for to treat the covidpatients. Thats fact. And without the lockdowns the situation would have run out of controle. But you are believing people who are telling its only like flu, no problem.
You ever worked in a hospital full with Covidpatients?
Yes goverments, ore responsible people made mistakes, made false decisions. But you would do also. Thats the worsest worldwide situation since WW II. Imagine you are the responsible person who have to find directly an solution that it will be not more worse. For to protect people, for to work at best, that so less as posible people will die ore get serious health problems. But all people waiting that you will make any mistake for to say. Oh you are wrong. You have a fine job then. You would be glad if you then find someone who says,: i pray for you.
No government is responsible for the people all governments want to control the people. You are a liberal snowflake who thinks that the common cold & flu that kills 335,000 people EACH YEAR did not happen THIS YEAR BECAUSE covid-19 SCARED IT AWAY.
I have overcome COVID-19 Thank God who healed me of it. Yet my very own daughter almost died because of the lie of the hospital after her surgery on her knee. Fear has killed more people and next to fear was lying politicians and the Medical rep's W.H.O and CDC who were ruled by China and the Teacher's union. This all came out.
In California, the Governor was sued for targeting Christian churches to keep them closed. Yet he did not close Islamic mosque why?
Because it was discrimination and attack on Christians. But very quietly the Supreme court ruled on Gavin Newsom's attack and found him to have closed Christian churches for no other reason he was attacking them. He was ordered to pay the church's legal fees of over 1 million dollars.
And you ARE ill-informed The " Lock Down's" did not happen to those who Protested, only law-abiding citizens obeyed the lockdown.
The state officials said during the early stages of the COVID-19 breakout IF you died of a Heart attack on your way to the hospital they called it COVID-19 related. That gave hospitals Funding for everyone.
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