again Angela, I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you and I am truly sorry that you have suffered so very much.
well. they have been exaggerated but as with everything else, we all decide what we will believe. It seems you have done what is best for you and I can understand that. I am doing the same and again, I have had the covid discussion with my doctor.
to be sure, there is most likely propaganda on both sides. with the government we currently have down here, you can catch them in lies every don't even have to question hear it with your own ears. Biden is an abject liar...always has been. you might have heard (I am sure you have) that the right is silenced by the left news media and fb is as bad as a commie shill. just yesterday I saw a fb banner over a post from someone I know and they actually had made a true statement but fb said the fact checkers said it was not true. but it was. anyway, that can be debated all day long I guess
well that is nonsense and fear motivated. it's always the end of the world for some and the amount of error online spouting from all the fake prophets encourages those so inclined to believe such things.
well, we differ here regarding everyone taking the vaccine...again, it is NOT is experimental. if the darn thing was an actual vaccine, I might have taken it, but I have already had a bad reaction and 4 years later, still have some side effects and after many blood tests and seeing allergists and dermatologists, they find nothing wrong with me, but cannot explain why I was getting a very itchy rash...kind of like hives but was not hives.
I do my own research as well and have not come to the same conclusion as you. I certainly agree that Trudeau and Biden are matching bookends of disaster. my last patriotic act in Canada was to vote for Harper ... when T ran. I thought Harper was a class act when he walked away. he was too good for the country and people resented his moderate way of spending and dealing with the nation. what a world

we are all on borrowed time down here but most of us don't think about it
well this is getting really is not a vaccine. research has been ongoing for 10 years into rDNA technology vaccinations but they were not yet ready to put it on the market. with the invention (thank you China) of Covid 19, and Trumps allowing for research to become useable, rather than the definitive and vigorous testing actual vaccines have, we have the resulting injection which I call it, because it is not a vaccine.
it actually being used ONLY under emergency authorization and just that alone should make people cringe when someone mentions mandate. now, they are talking boosters because the original injection does NOT have the effectiveness originally thought
Further, the pharma giants are immune from lawsuits and that was part of the deal to get the drug out there and into people. every single one of these companies have had lawsuits in the past due to side effects, deaths and illness that they 'forgot' ie HID, when whatever it was they were touting started to effect people who trusted that what they were taking was a solid product. Yes, you can find all of this online.
its really not going to good at this moment with the Delta variant. which of course has led to the talk of booster everyone. again.
the scare tactics to take the vaccine are perhaps just as lurid and since gov wants everyone to take the vaccine saying it is the answer...when quite a few different therapeutics exist.... does make a person question why promote vaccines when you can help yourself without it. I do agree the injection should be VOLUNTARY. we have so much kwrap going on down here, a person has a smorgasbord from which to choose
one more thing though....many of the illegals are covid carriers (along with other diseases North America has not bothered with in many years)....and we are supposed to think any resurgence is all the fault of those who choose not to have the injection
I guess that is what you get when you have pathological liars throughout the government and the granddaddy of the Biden crime family sitting in the WH
please excuse sp mistakes or bad grammar.